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In Malachi (chapter 4, verse 5) we read how Yahweh will send Elijah the prophet before "the great and terrible day of the LORD". Scripture also records that Elijah appeared at Yeshua's first physical appearing/manifestation. Sadly, the Jews did not recognize him because he didn't come in the form they were expecting - they were expecting him to appear physically, but his spirit was upon a man named John the baptist.

Because the Jews missed Elijah's appearing, consequently, they also missed Yeshua's appearing (John was sent to prepare the way of the Messiah).

The church is equally in danger of missing Yeshua's second appearing/manifestation. Even more so, because a) they fail to realize that once again the spirit of Elijah has to PRECEDE Yeshua's appearing and b) they do not recognize those who have the spirit of Elijah upon them. This message deals at the 'sod' (hidden) level with the signs that accompany the Elijah ministries and theor role in preparing the church for Christ's return.


Part 1 (of 2)


Item #: M-158E


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Elijah Sod - Part 1 (MP3)

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