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We read in the book of Genesis how Yahweh breathed into Adam, and he became "a living being". As a result of a Holy Spirit infusion, Yah considered Adam alive. The Hebrew word for 'Adam' means humanity. Adam was thus standing proxy for humanity. In the book of Revelation Yahweh pronounces judgment upon the church of Sardis, citing "I know all the things you do, and that you have a reputation for being alive--but you are dead." (Rev 3:1). Obviously this is not a physical death He's referring to but a spiritual one. Again, if we consider what Jehovah said of Adam, this church was not infused with His ruach (Spirit). We also read of four winds that get released in the book of Revelation. The word used for this winds is "Ruach HaKodesh" or breath of Yahweh. So the four winds are symbolically speaking of the breath of Yahweh that gets released into the church to make her "alive"

It was always Yah's intent to breath into humanity and give her a spirit infusion.

This is another message that should be heard by all believers as Mornay uncovers deep spiritual truths to bring out revelation of Yahweh's plan for His bride at the end of the age.


Item #: M-155E


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Breath of Yah (MP3)

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    ©2020 by Mornay Johnson Ministries. 

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